NTCTS Iterator Adaptor

Class template ntcts_iterator creates a standard conforming forward iterator that adapts a null-terminated character type string (NTCTS) pointer into a forward iterator suitable for use as a half-open range as required by algorithms and other range-based functions.

[Note: NTCTS is defined by the C++ standard [defns.ntcts] as "a sequence of values that have character type that precede the terminating null character type value charT()". -- end note]

Header <boost/ntcts_iterator.hpp> Synopsis

namespace boost
  template <class charT>
    class ntcts_iterator
     : public boost::iterator_facade<ntcts_iterator<charT>,
          charT, std::forward_iterator_tag> 
    ntcts_iterator() noexcept;  // constructs the end iterator
    ntcts_iterator(charT* begin) noexcept;

  typedef ntcts_iterator<const char>     char_iterator;
  typedef ntcts_iterator<const wchar_t>  wchar_iterator;
  typedef ntcts_iterator<const char16_t> char16_iterator;
  typedef ntcts_iterator<const char32_t> char32_iterator;

  template <class charT>
    ntcts_iterator<charT> begin(ntcts_iterator<charT> it);
  template <class charT>
    ntcts_iterator<charT> end(ntcts_iterator<charT> it);

Class template ntcts_iterator

ntcts_iterator satisfies the requirements of an forward iterator ([forward.iterators]).

If an iterator of type ntcts_iterator is advanced past the last element, that iterator shall become equal to the end iterator value. The ntcts_iterator default constructor shall create an iterator equal to the end iterator value, and this shall be the only valid iterator for the end condition.

The result of operator* on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For any other iterator value a charT& is returned. The result of operator-> on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For any other iterator value a charT* is returned.

Two end iterators are always equal. An end iterator shall not be equal to a non-end iterator.

The above wording is based on the Standard Library's istream_iterator wording.