Class template ntcts_iterator creates a standard conforming forward iterator that adapts a null-terminated character type string (NTCTS) pointer into a forward iterator suitable for use as a half-open range as required by algorithms and other range-based functions.
[Note: NTCTS is defined by the C++ standard [defns.ntcts] as "a sequence of values that have character type that precede the terminating null character type value
". -- end note]
namespace boost { template <class charT> class ntcts_iterator : public boost::iterator_facade<ntcts_iterator<charT>, charT, std::forward_iterator_tag> { public: ntcts_iterator() noexcept; // constructs the end iterator ntcts_iterator(charT* begin) noexcept; }; typedef ntcts_iterator<const char> char_iterator; typedef ntcts_iterator<const wchar_t> wchar_iterator; typedef ntcts_iterator<const char16_t> char16_iterator; typedef ntcts_iterator<const char32_t> char32_iterator; template <class charT> ntcts_iterator<charT> begin(ntcts_iterator<charT> it); template <class charT> ntcts_iterator<charT> end(ntcts_iterator<charT> it); }
satisfies the requirements of an forward iterator
If an iterator of type ntcts_iterator
is advanced past the last
element, that iterator shall become equal to the end iterator value. The
default constructor shall create an iterator equal to the
end iterator value, and this shall be the only valid iterator for the end
The result of operator*
on an end iterator is undefined
behavior. For any other iterator value a charT&
is returned. The
result of operator->
on an end iterator is undefined behavior. For
any other iterator value a charT*
is returned.
Two end iterators are always equal. An end iterator shall not be equal to a non-end iterator.
The above wording is based on the Standard Library's istream_iterator wording.